The Paradise theme in G. Kh. Andersen’s tales
The Paradise theme in Andersen’s fairy tales determines the system of images, the values of the hero and the author, the type and specific features of symbolism. The article shows, how the Paradise theme is related to the categories of life and death, time and eternity....
The functional perspective of political discourse
This article considers the interaction between the functional and semantic categories of theme and rheme forming the basis for the generation, information deployment, and functioning of discourse. It is emphasized that the communicative structure of a political text incorporates several types of the themerheme progression formed through replacing ...
Communicative and pragmatic nature of intertextuality in English political discourse
... intertextual inclusions: allusions perform thematic functions in utterances specifying the thematic line in discourse while citations and phraseological units are used to form rhematic progressions, the aim of which is to provide new information about the theme. The theme-rheme sequence contributes to textual coherence; it facilitates a better understanding of the text and shapes the intented point of view in the reader.
1. Демьянков В. З. Интерпретация политического ...
Culture-specific words in the poem «Dead Souls» by N. V. Gogol: the problem of translation
... Шведова. М., 2008.
9. Collins English Dictionary. L., 1995.
10. ABBYY Lingvo x 5 : [электрон. словарь]. URL:
ru-ru/support/lingvox5_sr/ (дата обращения: 30.12.2018).
Kokovina L. V.
lexeme, theme group, national-cultural component of the word meaning, translation, adequacy, equivalent
Christmas motif in R. L. Stevenson's story "Markheim"
... христианство: Взгляд с Востока. М., 2009.
9. Стивенсон Р. Л. «Маркхейм» // Собр. соч. : в 5 т. М., 1981. Т. 1. С. 334—351.
Dorofeeva L. G.
English literature, R. L. Stevenson, plot, character, theme, axiology, religion