Criminalistic characteristics of organized credit fraudster groups
Due to the rapid criminalization of credit relations and the widespread theft of bank loans, committed mainly by groups of fraudsters, the forensic science faces a serious problem of developing an effective method for investigating crimes of this nature. The method must include recommendations for identifying signs of ...
The social phenomenon of pilfers at factory No. 820 in the first post-war years (1946—1953)
... this article attempts to examine the specific Soviet social phenomenon of factory pilfers and identify the reasons behind its development, as well as its extents at factory No. 820 (today, the Yantar factory). The author presents the facts of petty thefts at the factory and analyses corresponding punishments and the management’s attitude towards pilfers.
1. Беляков В. А., Скрябин М. Е. Не уходить от острых вопросов // И снова — «несуны»… ...