Measuring performance of cultural organizations on the data of the envelopment analysis
... The author explains the benefits of applying a non-parametric “Data Envelopment Analysis” that is based on comparison of input and output indicators, to performance measurement of cultural organizations. Using statistical data on Russian federal theatres, the author empirically tests their performance that relates to such aspects as organization’s reputation, artistic excellence, maximization of access to cultural assets, etc. Based on statistics of the Russian Ministry of Culture in 2012—2016,...
Reception Heiner Müller’s drama “Cement” in Russia at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries
... censorship both in his homeland, the German Democratic Republic, and in Russia. However, interest in his works has grown significantly in recent years. Müller's major works have been translated into Russian, and his plays are increasingly staged in domestic theatres. Alongside these theatrical productions, Russian researchers are actively engaging with Müller’s legacy, analyzing various aspects of his dramatic works in numerous scholarly studies. This demonstrates the emergence of an active phase of ...
Metatheatre under the sign of Chekhov (based on plays by V. Levanov, O. Bogayev, A. Mardan)
Since Lionel Abel (1963), metatheatrical plays are understood as a piece of drama, whose object is the play itself. The author considers the reasons behind the frequent references to the personality and works of A. P. Chekhov found in modern metatheatrical drama and analyses the changes to the standard “author-actor-audience” theatrical communication brought about by metatheatrical elements.
1. Барбой Ю. М. К теории театра. СПб., 2008.
2. Богаев О. Ад Станиславского. URL: http://www.bogaev.narod...