Aldington’s «All people are enemies»: an analysis of the motivic structure of the novel
... the analysis of motif-structure of the novel by Richard Aldington «All men are enemies» (in particular, its relationship with the system of characters of the book). Sets of motifs corresponding to specific stages in the development of the image of the main character were identified; a nuclear-peripheral motif model was built where the movement of motifs from the nucleus to the peripheral zone demonstrates the importance of a particular event at the plot level of the novel. The movement of story and fable ...
The image of the pilot in the eschatological vision «The Great Divorce» K. S. Lewis
... of George MacDonald (the guide) in “The Great Divorce” by C. S. Lewis. To meet this purpose, the main functions of this image have been described as well as the means of its text representation and peculiar properties of the relations between the main character and his guide in C. S. Lewis’ eschatological vision.
1. Аверинцев С. С. Историческая подвижность категории жанра: опыт периодизации // Аверинцев С. С. Риторика ...