The political debate on the change of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland after the parliamentary elections of 2015
In 1997, the Constitution of the Republic of Poland was adopted. Since then, constitutional disputes have continued in Poland. After the 2015 elections, they sharpened. In addition, Polish President Andrzej Duda proposed a change to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. This initiated a ...
The intensity of population movements through the Russian- Polish border after the suspension of the local border traffic mechanism: 2016 outcomes
The mechanism of the local (or small) the cross-border movement is a form of cross-border cooperation. On the border between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Poland this mechanism worked from 2012 to 2016, and provided for a significant intensification of mutual border-crossing. In this case the suspension of the local border traffic regime on the Polish side, as well as the regime itself, caused a mixed reaction ...
On the ideological distance between relevant candidates for the presidency of the Republic of Poland in 2010
... Nr 67, poz. 398)// Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. 2010. May. URL:
http://www. sejm. gov. pl/prawo/prezydent/prez5.htm
(дата обращения: 25.05.2010).
Zhukovsky Igor, Balobaev Vladimir
President of the Republic of Poland, policy guidelines, relevant candidates, economic issues, foreign policy issues