Modality as a way to decode the author’s personality in an ancient Russian masterpiece “The Testament of Vladimir Monomakh”
The article deals with the modal organization of the Old Russian literary work “The Testament of Vladimir Monomakh”, its genre and purpose. The article identifies the plane of content of author’s modality and the means of its representation in the text of the manuscript. The authors establish the role of the author’s modality ...
The will of the deceased is the law: The key stages of the development of one of the basic principles of the law of succession in Russia
... союзных республик от 8 декабря 1961 года // Ведомости Верховного Совета СССР. 1961. № 50. Ст. 525.
Politova I. P.
law of succession is ensured by the law, testator, principle of the freedom of testament, legal