Language indicators of confrontational speech strategies used in everyday marital discourse
The article examines the features of representing the confrontational speech strategy of discreditation, used in everyday communication, particularly in marital discourse. The goal of the research is to identify the speech tactics employed in domestic communication between spouses for the purpose of discrediting and weakening the communicative position of the communication partner. To achieve the research goal, descriptive method, method of component analysis, observation ...
Linguistic means of expressing strategies and tactics in the texts of charter documents of a volunteer organisation
This article presents the results of a communicative study of the charter documents of “Proryv” volunteer centre. The author describes the main communicative strategies and tactics used in the regulations on the centre establishment and job descriptions to express the communicative purpose of regulating department and employee activities. The author identifies the linguistic means of implementing said strategies and tactics ...
The tactics of appeal to happiness/regret as speech instruments for implementing the strategies of defining recipient’s emotional status
This article deals with the ways of the strategies of defining recipient’s emotional status explication in the modern German poetry discourse. Especially we are concentrating on lexical tools of the tactics of appeal to happiness and tactics of appeal to regret. The examples of implementation of the strategy of defining recipient’s emotional status are poems, which are devoted to consideration of concept LOVE.
1. Борисова И. Н. Русский ...
The admissibility of techniques used in the examination of witnesses
This article discusses the application of tactics in the examination of witness. The author addresses the admissibility of tactics depending on the type of witness and investigatory situation. Special attention is paid to the admissibility of using methods of emotional and psychological pressure....
Tactics of particular investigating actions relating to crimes against public officers
This article considers the tactics of examining the victim, suspect, and witnesses and the on-site verification of testimony in cases related to crimes against public officers based on the criminal cases studied by the author.
1. Волчецкая Т. С., Осипова Е. ...
Peculiarities of the use of agonality in American political discourse (on the texts of election speeches of D. Trump and J. Biden in 2020)
... contest.
The results of the study show that the means of agonality used in the election speeches of the presidential candidates contribute to the decrease of the opponent’s authority, as a result of the use of appropriate strategies and inherent tactics relevant within the political discourse semantics.
Zhigulin D., Bondareva L.
agonality, political discourse, campaign speeches, decreasing strategies, speech tactics
Communicative move “indirect insult” in a political talk show (based on Tucker Carlson Tonight)
... of linguists in studying the means of verbalizing speech aggression in the discourse of politicians and political commentators. This interest is reflected in the analysis of the repertoire of speech strategies employed, implemented through specific tactics and represented by particular speech moves and linguistic means. The study analyzes the speech move “indirect insult,” which actualizes the tactic of insult within the speech-behavioral strategy of discrediting the President Biden administration,...
Functional and semantic aspects of threat in requestive speech acts (based on the Soviet and Russian feature films)
... менасивного речевого акта в политическом дискурсе (на материале английского языка) : автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук. Самара, 2010.
Vasilyev S., Probst N.
speech tactics of threat, indirect threat, prescriptive threat, interrogative imperative sentences
. The course and outcomes of testimony verification at the crime scene with the involvement of a minor
... Additional means of fixation are shown to be effective, while the use of video recording is recommended. The basic rules for the use of additional fixation means are noted.
Varfolomeev R.A.
verification of testimony, investigative action, forensic tactics, fixation, minor
Tactics and technology of the analysis of evidence obtained during operational and investigative activity by the defense
... proceedings, which are aimed at the verification of the evidence formed on the basis of the information obtained in the course of the investigative activity. The author reviews the main approaches to the analysis of evidence by a defense lawyer and offers tactical and technological recommendations for the analysis of this evidence. The author describes possible problems, which participants of criminal proceedings can face during the defense.
1. Об оперативно-розыскной деятельности ...
Conflict situations at the verification of death reports of alleged suicide
... the prism of the situational approach. An attempt is made to highlight the most common causes of conflict situations. The author gives recommendations for resolving conflict situations during the verification of death reports. An appropriate choice of tactical means is the basis for resolving conflicts.
1. Методика расследования отдельных видов преступлений против личности / под общ. ред. В. Н. Карагодина. М., 2015....
Forensic aspects of criminal process participants using mediation procedures: The role of the situational approach
... important mechanism of the institution of restorative justice. The author considers the forensic aspects of using mediation procedures, classifies subjects of mediation, and describes the role of the situational approach. Special attention is paid to the tactical aspects of these procedures and the classifications of mediation situations.
1. Анишина В. И., Артемов В. Ю., Большова А. К. Правосудие в современном мире. М., 2012.
2. Головко Л....
The tactical features of interrogating witnesses to crimes against public officials
... considers the application of witness personality doctrine when investigating crimes against public officials. The cases of crimes against employees of correctional facilities help describe the features of different categories of witnesses and propose tactics of interrogating witnesses of each type.
1. Информационный бюллетень Прокуратуры Калининградской области. 2008—2012.
2. Волчецкая Т. С., Осипова Е. В., Киселев ...
Preventing Errors in Formation of Interrogatee’s Situational Attitude
Калининградского областного суда. Уголовное дело №
Козелецкий Ю.
Психологическая теория принятия решений. М., 1979.
Kramarenko V.
criminalistical tactics, investigation plan, tactic of evidence reception,
forensic psychology.