Kant über die Eigenart der Moral und ihre Rolle im System der Sitten
... Кн. 2.
14. Шиллер Фр. Соч.: в 7 т. М., 1955. Т. 1.
15. Шиллер Фр. О грации и достоинстве // Фр. Шиллер. Соч.: в 7 т. М., 1955. Т. 6.
normative relationships, ethics, Copernican revolution, system of customs, moral, law, features and formulae of moral relationships.
Kalinnikov L. A.
Immanuel Kant on the features of morality and its role in the system of morals
... for the Metaphysics of morals. Broadview Press, 2005.
19. Kant I. The Metaphysics of Morals. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
20. Schiller F. The Aesthetical Essays. Project Gutenberg Ebook.
normative relationships, ethics, Copernican revolution, system of customs, moral, law, features and formulae of moral relationships
Kalinnikov Leonard A.