Gorod and grad in the Russian poetry of the 18th century
Urban motifs in Russian poetry have not yet become the subject of comprehensive investigation in terms of the evolution of poetic conceptualization of the world, the frequency, semantics and syntagmatics of the key lexemes — 'gorod' and 'grad'. Meanwhile, the analysis of the poetic, ethnic and linguistic picture of the world, closely connected with diachronic lexicology, phraseology and grammar, allows important conclusions concerning ...
Verb collocations of the semantic field «Memory» with the component ‘Vergangenheit’ in the German media
The article analyzes verb collocations of the semantic field “Memory” with the component ‘Vergangenheit’, which are commonly used in German media; it describes structural, semantic and syntagmatic characteristics of the verb collocations. The source of the research data is newspaper texts corpus DWDS. The keyword "Vergangenheit" (past) can be characterized by a high syntagmatic potential that indicates the importance of the ...
Semantic potential of the lexeme twilight in Russian poetry
... with various "extensions" and transformations occurring when the term is used figuratively to characterize transitional states in the realms of the world, history, and consciousness. 3) Tropic contexts prevail, showcasing the broadest syntagmatic and functional-semantic possibilities of the lexeme 'twilight' in Russian poetry. These contexts demonstrate the extensive range of figurative applications and symbolic nuances associated with the term.
Bely, A., 1994. The magic ...