Linguopoetics of A.P. Chekhov: ensemble of artistic details. Part 1
... dominant role of diverse artistic details in shaping and explicating the content-conceptual information of Chekhov's story "The Teacher of Literature."
Babenko N.G.
linguopoetics, Chekhov, artistic device, detail-particular, detail-symbol, detail-transposition, ensemble of details
On the problem of acausal semantic coincidences: the cognitive background of omens
... государственного университета. История. 2017. № 49. С. 128—131.
17. Юнг К. Г. Синхронистичность. М., 1997.
Berestnev G. I., Kamalova A. A.
synchronicity, semiotics, metaphor, metonymy, paronomasia, symbol, deep semantics, semantic transformations, cultural linguistics