The dynamic capabilities concept and the analysis of strategic potential of learning organisation
This article analyses the methodological framework of research on strategic potential of organizations in dynamic global environment. The author examines the factors responsible for sustainable competitive advantages of an organization and considers the role of intangible assets, predominantly, such unique assets as organizational and administrative skills, in the structure of potential. The article describes the features of formation of potential of learning ...
The concept of open innovations and a study into the strategic potential of organisations
... (Spring). 2008. Vol. 49, № 3. P. 43—51.
16. Gans J., Hsu D., Stern S. When Does Start-Up Innovation Spur the Ctale of Creative Destruction? // RAND Journal of Economics. 2002. Vol. 33, № 6.
Chuikin A. M.
strategic potential of organizations, sustainable competitive advantages,
open innovation business model