The criminal procedure aspects of the absolution from the suspicion of committing a crime
The article analyses the procedural consequences of unconfirmation of the suspicion in committing a crime during the preliminary inquisition. The main points of the article are the problems of keeping a status of the suspect after release him from custody or cancellation a measure of restriction. Also there are arguments in favour of necessity of making alterations into the criminal-procedural legislation.
Сайкина Е.
Гипотеза — основополагающее ...
The conceptual bases for suspicion in Russian civil procedure
... статусом подозреваемого при возбуждении в отношении его уголовного дела // Российский судья. 2007. №
3. С. 28—29.
Petrov I. V.
preliminary investigation, suspicion, suspect, accusation, accused