Concepts of social support: positive and negative effects of social relations in the context of subjective well-being of a human being
... context of their subjective well-being on the basis of international publications, which have not been translated into Russian yet and are little known in the country. The authors present their own typology of positive and negative effects of social support in situations of normal and abnormal social functioning of an individual.
Berkman L., Glass T.,
, Seeman T.
From social integration to health: Durkheim in the new millennium // Social Science and Medicine.
2000. Vol....
Social support as a factor of overcoming the negative consequence of stress
This article describes the models of relation between social support and stress. The author quotes the results of international empirical research em-phasising the obvious and contradictory nature of the “stress-buffering” and “main effect” models. The article offers a typology of factors of determining ...
Parental support and psychological health of children and adolescents
This article describes the features of parental support as a socio-psychological phenomenon and its relation to psychosomatic health (depression, anxiety, and somatization) in children and adolescents. The author presents a probability structural- functional model of parental support covering its content,...
Self-acceptance and social support of younger students with different levels of stress
This study posits a correlation in younger school children between high levels of current stress and reduced self-acceptance, as well as between an increase in current stress and decreased satisfaction with emotional and instrumental support. The respondents were 131 pupils aged 8 to 12 years from years 3 and 4 of a school in the Moscow region. Methodologically, the study relied on the Bazhin-Etkinds colour relationship test, which helped analyse the ranks of preferred colours associated ...
Digital didactic games as a means of remote support for schoolchildren
In the context of dynamic digitalization of the educational space, the introduction of inclusive education, the task of remote support for educational activities of both gifted students and schoolchildren with disabilities is of high relevance, since it helps to meet special educational needs and resolve difficulties in educational activities. The article presents an overview ...
Pedagogical support children in a conflict situation: legal aspects
... children”, European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, European Social Charter, the Strategy of the Council of Europe on the Rights of the Child. The documents are analysed in the light of the mechanism of pedagogical support for children. It is shown that the abovementioned documents, which guarantee the protection of rights, psychological and physical health and development of the child can be considered as the legal basis for the organization and implementation ...
Social and pedagogical support for the development of social communication network by deprived teenagers
This article offers a theoretical framework and authors’ methodology for organizing social and pedagogical support for adolescents in residential
care based on the methods of social network analysis and social support networking.
1. Bertalanffy L. von. General system theory: Foundation, development, application.N. Y., 1968.
2. Bronfenbrenner U. The Ecology ...
Ensuring the psychological health of military personnel in extreme situations
... combatants (participants in hostilities, including both military personnel and civilians) due to the emergence of localized armed conflicts, which flare up and subside globally, and the resulting need to establish unified standards for professional support for individuals affected by the psychological trauma of such situations. The article addresses the problems and objectives of psychological support for military personnel to mitigate the impact of life and health threats on their psyche. The results ...
The theoretical framework of the process of social and pedagogical support for children at a teen club
This article analyses the theoretical framework for supporting activities at cultural and leisure establishments, particularly, teen clubs. The authors present a model of socio-pedagogical support for children at teen clubs and describe its goals and objectives, principles, stages, and ways of practical ...
The peculiarities of psychological support to breast cancer survivors in small towns
This article analyses the peculiarities of psychological support to breast cancer survivors residing in small towns. The authors consider the dynamics of emotional state in the course of implementing a dedicated programme of intensive psychological support in rehabilitation.
Марилова Т.
On the phenomenon of socio-pedagogical support of student's subjective development in additional education
This article analyses, by means of the reflective-environmental approach, the potential, features, and limitations to socio-pedagogical support of the subjective development of a student in the framework of additional education. On the basis of the research conducted, the author comes to a conclusion about the necessity of such support both for the development of students' subjectivity ...
The role of pedagogical support in the personal development of students of higher educational institutions
Problems of development of the person of students of high school are considered. Necessity of introduction of pedagogical support is described, its importance is analysed, target orientations are designated, stages of pedagogical support of students are allocated.
Давыдов В.
. Проблемы развивающего обучения. М., 2004.
2. ...
Supporting frames of the leading industrial complexes of the manufacturing industry of the Far North of Russia
... the sectoral structure of the manufacturing industry in the Far North was identified, forming the basis for a proposed classification of industrial hubs divided into four categories. The study also highlights general trends in the development of the supporting frameworks of the manufacturing industry in the northern territories of Russia in recent years. The findings indicate that the manufacturing industry in the Far North has undergone minimal transformation in recent years, with changes primarily ...
Supporting project activities in university using web services
... real-world problems and the potential of project activities to develop students’ independence, cognitive, and creative abilities. Based on psychological and pedagogical literature, the authors emphasize the importance of pedagogical and organizational support for students’ project activities. Considering the project assignment, the project learning leader (instructor) forms project teams and participates in supporting the student project team, ensuring its development as a cohesive unit.
A software ...