The methodological aspects of studying suicide as a phenomenon
This article analyses the theoretical framework of studying suicide as a social phenomenon. The author examines the social grounds for suicide in the concepts of E. Durkheim, R. Merton, A. Schopenhauer, and E. Fromm and described the methodological principles of studying suicide as a social practice in the sociological ...
Conflict situations at the verification of death reports of alleged suicide
Сonflict situations that arise during the verification of death reports of alledged suicide have their own specifics. The author regards such conflicts through the prism of the situational approach. An attempt is made to highlight the most common causes of conflict situations. The author gives recommendations for resolving conflict situations ...
Structure and dynamics of the suicides in Kaliningrad in the 2013—2015
The author analyses the problem of suicide. The article contains a statistical analysis of 349 cases of suicide committed by the inhabitants of the city of Kaliningrad in 2013—2015. The author examines the age and sex of the victims, seasonal characteristics of suicides, their distribution ...