Author's modality as a text forming category (posing the problem)
This article considers the contentious issue of author's modality as one of the central categories of a text. The authors state their position on the structural-functional correlation of author's modality, subjective modality and axiological modality and define the features of the intracategorial relations of author's modality.
. Фактор адресата // Известия АН ССР. Серия литературы ...
Modal particles, their function and meaning in the texts of the «St. Petersburg Vedomosti» newspaper (late 18th — mid19th centuries)
... the function and role of modal particles in the texts of the St. Petersburg Vedomosti newspaper. Modal particles are describes as a means of representing the position of the author of newspaper texts, and speaking broadly, and a means of expressing subjective modality. Modal particles accentuate modal and textual meanings and bring socially significant information to the reader. The author analyses the role of modal particles in enriching news texts with modal and qualitative shades: drawing the reader's attention ...
Subjective modality of the literary text: ontological status in author’s conception of the world
A literary text is considered by modern linguistics as a dynamic communicative unit, in connection with which it becomes necessary to study its constituents. Subjective modality appears in a literary text as a communicative-semantic category that allows one to comprehensively represent the author’s attitude to the communicated instance. The purpose of the article stays with the need to substantiate the ontological ...
The ways of expressing subjective-modal meanings of certainty and uncertainty in the comedy “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboedov and its English translation
... the meanings mentioned above are conveyed adequately enough, except for those which are completely different due to specific features of each language. The research materials can be used in Literary Translation classes.
Kokovina L., Geraskova M.
subjective modality, subjective-modal meanings of certainty and uncertainty, functional-semantic analysis, literary translation
Subjective modality as a way of expressing author’s intentions in the first printed Russian newspaper “Vedomosti” of the times of Peter the Great
... (modality units, parenthetical words and structures, particles). The author illustrates and qualifies the modal syncretism of the newspaper text.
Kuksa I. Yu.
periodical press, the history of Russian journalism, a newspaper text, communication, modality, subjective modality, author’s position
Evaluative lexis as a component of subjective modality in the Russian handwritten newspaper Vesti-kuranty
... периодической печати. М. ; СПб., 2011.
20. Шведова Н. Ю. Очерки по синтаксису русской разговорной речи. М., 1960.
21. Вести-Куранты 1648—1650 гг. М., 1983.
Kuksa I.
modality, subjective modality, subjective modal meanings, expressive emotional evaluations, evaluative lexis, newspaper text, history of Russian periodicals.
The modal potential of a newspaper text: The case of Moskovskiye vedomosty of the post-reform period of the second half of the 20th century
... Автор как стилеобразующая категория публицистического текста // Вестник Московского ун-та. 2001. № 3, сер. 10 : Журналистика. С. 74—83.
Kuksa I.
category of modality, subjective modality, newspaper text, author’s attitude, history of Russian periodicals, diachronic linguistics
Subjective modality in the newspaper texts of the 18th century
... История отечественной периодики
века. Петрозаводск, 2009.
функциональной грамматики: Темпоральность. Модальность. Л., 1990.
Kuksa I. Yu.
subjective modality, modality of the text, newspaper discourse, explicators of author's intentions,
history of Russian periodicals.
Subjective and modal evaluation in the newspaper and media discourse
... автореф. дис. …канд. филол. наук. М., 2006.
Павловская Т
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Tkachenko A.I.
subjective modality, author’s opinion, evaluation, newspaper and
journal discourse, analytical text.
Modality as a communicative category: Some debatable aspects of research
... 10—114.
19. Эслон П. А. Проблема разграничения модальных значений // Труды по русской и славянской филологии. Тарту, 1997. № 1.
Vaulina S.
modality, objective modality, subjective modality, text modality, fiction text modality
Core explicators of the modal meaning expressing certainty/uncertainty in the poem "Dead Souls" by N. Gogol and their equivalents in translation versions
... 200—205.
5. Русская грамматика : в 2 т. / под ред. Н. Ю. Шведовой. М., 1980.
6. Шведова Н. Ю. Очерки по синтаксису русской разговорной речи. М., 2003.
Kokovina L. V.
modality, subjective modality, semantic field, explicator, adequacy, equivalent.