On the development of the concept of ‘subject of law
... реальности: новая парадигма юридического мышления // Право в современном белорусском обществе : сб. науч. тр. Минск, 2011. Вып. 6. С. 98—110.
Orlova K
subject of law, subject of legal relationship, precepts of law, legal personality.
Public law entities and the theory of the subjects of law
... 67—68.
13. Чиркин В. Е. Публично-правовое образование. М., 2011.
14. Чиркин В. Е. Юридическое лицо публичного права. М., 2009.
Borisov A. М.
abstraction, public law entity, subject of law, legal entity, legal fiction
Correlation of the notions of the subject of law and the transcendental subject in the theory of law
... мира : автореф. дис. … канд. филос. наук. М., 2008.
7. Честнов И. Л. Что есть право? // Правоведение. 2013. № 3. С. 229—237.
Poskachina M. N.
transcendental phenomenology, theory of law, subject of law
The subjects of legal monitoring of Justice of the Peace
The article deals with controversial issues of positive responsibility. The analysis enables the author to conclude that the category under investigation is a feature (property) of the subject of law, represents the exercise of subjective rights by his will and in his interest in accordance with legal norms, criteria for the lawfulness of the implementation of actions, restrictions. Manifestations of positive legal responsibility should be sought ...
Models of endowing artificial intelligence with legal personality
... proposes to endow artificial intelligence with its own special legal personality, but there is no precise description of this model in the doctrine.
Ladenkov N.
artificial intelligence, legal personality, robot, digital technologies, electronic person, subject of law, atypical subjects