Allusions in poetic work of Mikhail Matusowsky: philological and cultural-historical aspects
... stylistic use. Allusive references are considered due to their semantics, historical and cultural context. Historical, literary, cultural sources of information are brought to study the semantic nature of allusive inclusions. The article also analyzes stylistic functions of allusion. It is noted that the allusion technique is used not only to give poems an emotionally expressive sound, but also to activate the consciousness of readers, create additional literary associations.
Diakova T.A.
allusion, stylistic ...
Author's word usage as a means to create a literary image in the Tales in two parts by A. I. Solzhenitsyn
... русского языка. М.: Русский язык, 1985—1988. Т. 1—4.
Сл. Даля —
Даль В.
. Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка: в 4 т. М., 1999.
Savina L. M.
semantics, stylistic functions, author's word usage, fiction, text