The tactics of appeal to happiness/regret as speech instruments for implementing the strategies of defining recipient’s emotional status
... G. Wärst du wie eine Träne // Jahrbuch der Lyrik. München, 2009.
17. Pritze D. Was soll ich nur tun // 100 Liebesgedichte. Franfurt a/M, 2010.
18. Röter S. Als ich dich getroffen habe // 100 Liebesgedichte. Franfurt a/M,2010.
Datsko D. A.
speech influence, speech strategy, poetry discourse, tactics of appeal
to recipient’s emotional status, concept LOVE.
Peripheral means to express incentive modality in the public service announcement discourse
... методология исследования : монография. URL:
(дата обращения: 04.01.2016).
Sobko T.
public service announcement, discourse, speech influence, incentive, incentive modality