Setting up specially protected natural areas of local significance in Kaliningrad: problems and solutions
The paper studies the data of a comprehensive environmental survey of land plots in several streets (i. e. Basseynaya, Lieutenant Katina and Sportivnaya) of the city of Kaliningrad for their compliance with the requirements for a specially protected natural area of local importance. It is shown that the territory of the indicated forest park zone meets the main criteria for designating a specially protected natural area of local importance. Given the urban environment, the territory has a high level of biological ...
Coastal and recreation landscape of Kaliningrad: modern potential and prospects for spatial development
... Шарыгин М. Д. Природно-ресурсный потенциал и его оценка // Эко. 1995. [e11] С. 108—118.
Emelyanova L. L., Feoktistova K. S.
recreation, tourism, historical and cultural potential, natural potential and specially protected natural areas, sustainable development, urban planning, functional zoning