Criminal songs: The hero and the plot
The criminal song is considered as a phenomenon of urban folklore functionally linked to the criminal community as an archaic subculture. The author characterises the plot structure of the criminal song: the system-building characters, their plot function, and typical ...
Regularity and serendipity: a systemic asymmetry of singer songwriting
The author analyses the works of singer songwriters, i. e. lyrics of bard songs and rock poetry, from the point of view of their plot and their place in the typology of texts. The author identifies a discrepancy between the principles of building the plot of songs and the methods of creating the poetic model of the world in ...
Urbanisation of the Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos С. L. Brehm) in Kaliningrad: History of the process and causes of its failure
In comparison with the Blackbird and the Fieldfare having specialised urban populations in Kaliningrad, the Song thrush does not show signs of urbanisation. This article analyses the causes of this phenomenon and examines the results of urbanisation of the closely related species and fundamental differences between them
1. Фридман В. С., Ерёмкин ...
A “fascinating fake”: on the origin of a street song
This article proves that the song “When we met, bird cherry tree was in bloom”, which is traditionally perceived as a piece of urban folklore, is an authored work.
лира: сб. тюремных и лагерных песен / сост. Я. Вайскопф....
“I lived in Moscow, the capital of the world…”: Moscow in the poetic geography of Alexander Galich
The author considers a lengthy program of research (that will be continued in a series of articles) on the artistic geography (geopoetics) of Alexander Galich, one of the brightest representatives of the author’s (bard’s) song of the 1960s—1970s. The construction of Galich poetic world actualizes the opposition of the center / periphery, while Moscow (or another capital replacing it) acts as the frequency expression of the structural center, and the periphery can be ...
The ordinary person in the fictional world of Alexander Galich
Alexander Galich, a prominent singer-songwriter, built a gallery of socio-psychological types, central to which was the image of the ordinary Soviet person. This article focuses on the motif of death/immortality as a plot component describing the fate of a small person in Galich’s poetry. The place of the ordinary person in Galich’s creative ‘characterology’ is identified. The groundwork for a classification of the ordinary person types is laid and key motifs of plots introducing the types are...
Cognitive space of the Russian romance
... studying the romance. Russian romance is presented as a social-cognitive construct with a particular set of historically and culturally conditioned cognitive indicators. A comparative analysis of the texts of the Russian romance and Russian lyrical songs revealed the national characteristics of the lyric song, as well as the cognitive characteristics peculiar to the romance: focus on feelings, emotions, portrait creation, descriptiveness, etc.
1. Гервер Л. Л. Музыка и музыкальная ...
Nobody’s girl riding a merry-go-round. On the intertextual code of Yana Dyagileva’s song
Ya. Dyagileva’s song “For a Rainy Day” is characterised as an aesthetic manifestation expressed in the framework of polemics with the pre-texts of A. Bashlachev, B. Grebenschikov, and A. Makarevich.
1. Башлачев А. Н. Стихи. СПб., 1997.
2. Дело ...
Poland in “The Ballad about Eternal Flame” by Alexander Galich
“The Ballad about Eternal Flame” (1968) was a remake of an earlier “Song about Hard Currency” (1966). Both songs are connected with Poland, though their titles do not immediately imply it. This article analyses the sources of the 'Polish' theme in the songs.
Галич А.
. Облака плывут, ...
The “rough style” of Vladimir Vysotsky: Problem statement
V. Vysotsky’s poetry is typologically close to the principles of the “rough style” Soviet painting of the 1960s. The author outlines the promising areas of comparative analysis and addresses the issue of typological similarities between different texts within the field of a common cultural and historical situation of the Khrushchev era.
1. Бобриков А. Суровый стиль: мобилизация и культурная революция // Художественный журнал. 2003. № 51/52 : [сайт]. URL: (дата...
Female Characters in German Rock Poetry
Wolf T
. Lacrimosa //
. URL: /lyrics
Wesselsky A
. Eisbrecher //
. URL: eis
J. Pilute
rock poetry, author’s song, female character, myth