Climate change in the mountainous regions of the Republic of Tyva: The case of the Bay-Tayginsk district
... increases in air temperature take place in April-July, September, and October (68,8 %), summer and winter accounted for 35,0 % and 29,9 % respectively. Soil surface and air temperature increased by 1,7ºС. In the warm period, air temperature is lower than soil surface temperature; in the cold period, on the contrary, it is higher. The air temperature increase is 33% lower than that of soil surface.
1. Андрейчик М. Ф., Чульдум А. Ф. Изменение климата в Улуг-Хемской котловине ...
About a role of vegetation of deserts of Central Asia in climate change
... сельскохозяйственного использования и значения для ирригации // Труды по прикладной ботанике, генетике и селекции. 1928. Т. 4, вып. 19.
Dedkov V., Gunin P.
soil surface temperature, temperature of plants, albedo, hamada, temporary streams, desert, steppe, climate