Soil resources and soil cover structure Kemerovo region — Kuzbass
... zoning data, is located at the intersection of two soil-geographic districts — Kemerovo-Prokopyevsky and Kuznetsko-Alatausky. On the studied technogenic landscape, identified areas are characterized by the presence of technogenic complexes with young soil formations. On the surface of the dumping site, signs of initial soil formation are observed. The restoration of the soil cover is at an initial stage, where only young soil-like bodies, embryosols, are found. The soils of the Kemerovo Region, Kuzbass,...
Formation of a reclamation layer at open-cast mining
... environmental quality standards and the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The purpose of this work was to study the process of formation of a reclamation layer in open-cast coal mines. The indicators of the quality of the fertile soil layer should correlate to the quality of the fertile soil layer on average for the region. For effective recultivation, the fertile soil layer should be distinguished by a high content of humic acids and nutrients, as well as a higher degree of saturation ...
Studying the features of soil cover and bioreclamation of coal dumps
Industrial dumps serve as natural habitats for numerous biocenoses due to the specific features and directionality of early soil formation processes. The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of soil cover and bioremediation on coal dumps. It is demonstrated that the lithological heterogeneity of disturbed territories in Kuzbass is influenced by mining ...
On the content of heavy metals in the soils of Kaliningrad urbanised ecosystems
This article studies the quantitative content of heavy metals in the soils of Kaliningrad urban ecosystems. It is shown that urban soils are heavily contaminated with zinc and lead with an at least threefold excess of the TLV. The concentration of copper, nickel, and cobalt is closer to the TLV. The authors emphasize that ...
Climate change in the mountainous regions of the Republic of Tyva: The case of the Bay-Tayginsk district
The most considerable increase in the temperature of soil surface was observed in the cold period (1,5 °С, a 53,9% rise in temperature), the smallest in August (0,3 °С, 2,1 %), whereas, in May-June, the increase was negative (–1,3 °С, 27,1 %). Major increases in air temperature take place in April-July,...
The relevance of studying soil microflora in the vicinity of solid waste disposal sites (the case of Kaliningrad)
This paper addresses the problem of solid waste disposal and considers the impact of disposal sites on the urban environment. The author examines the role of microorganisms in the process of soil self-purification and provides data on the condition of the soil microflora in Kaliningrad according to the level of pollution, as well as the ways to study the soil microflora in the vicinity of the disposal site in the suburb of Alexander Kosmodemyanski ...
On the heat reactor of desert soils and its roel in the formation of water reserves during summer
Experimental research helps explain the mechanism of formation of water reserves in the soils of desert phytocenoses. The author arrives at a conclusion about the development of seasonal heat reactor in deserts, which affects the processes of night water condensation in soils in summer.
1. Бобровская Н. И. Водный режим ...
Ecological Series of Soils in the Deyma basin
The article focuses on the diversity of the Deyma basin soil mantle in dependence on different factors of soil formation on two key spots. The author defines topographical (ecological) soil series, typical of boreal zone river basins.
Добровольский Г.
Научное и практическое ...
Topical Problems of Soil Microflora Study in Kaliningrad
The article considers the main polluting factors of urban soils and estimates the impact of anthropogenic pressure on the quantitative and qualitative composition of soil microflora. The authors outline the prospects of research on the microflora of Kaliningrad soils situated in different ecological conditions....
Study of the physical and geographical conditions of the territory of the Kemerovo region — Kuzbass for the purpose of reclamation works
... of temperature and humidity. In the mountains of the Kuznetsk Alatau and Mountain Shoria, it is humid, but there is a deficit of warmth. The most favorable conditions have developed at the foot of the windward slopes of the Kuznetsk Alatau, where the soil is moist enough to provide warmth. Various soil coverings are formed on the territory of the Kemerovo Region, the majority of which are forest soils (brown soils and sub-brown soils, podzolic soils, gray forest soils). It has been established that ...
Oxidized iron horizons in the drained soils of the Kaliningrad region
This article focuses on the morphology, content and formation conditions of different groups of iron horizontal neoformations in drained soils of agrolandscapes, namely, oxidized ochric horizons, hard layers (crusts), and ortsand. Fe, P, As, Ni are accumulated in neoformations.
1. Доклад о состоянии и использовании земель Калининградской ...
The feature of soil mantle in Kaliningrad
This article focuses on the main trends of changing in the morphological properties of urban soils. It was established that urbiquasisoils of a predominant sandy-loam grain-size composition and neutral medium reaction prevail in the Kaliningrad soil mantle. Soddy-podzol, soddy-gley, and brown forest (cambisols) soils are found in some parks and ...
Ecological characteristics of test sites of Kaliningrad soils for microbiological monitoring
This article offers an ecological analysis of urbanized ecosystem used for the microbiological monitoring of Kaliningrad soil. The authors show that the studied ecosystems differ in plant species diversity, types of soils, and physicochemical parameters, which must be taken into account when analyzing the soil microflora.
1. Дедков В. П., Куркина М. В....
New data on air and soil temperature in vegetation communities of the Karakum Desert
This article offers data on the temperature of surface air and soils in the aeration zone. The author comes to the conclusion that the soil temperature in the Karakum desert is favourable for the development of tree and shrubbery species.
1. Гунин П. Д., Дарымов В. Я., Вейисов С. Ландшафтная ...
On Characteristic of Soils in Kaliningrad Parks
The article examines the morphological structure, chemical and physical properties of soils in Kaliningrad city parks.
Анциферова О.
Почвенно-экологические условия в парках г. Калининграда // Лесной комплекс: состояние и перспективы ...
Seasonal dynamics of actynomyces in Kaliningrad green zone soils
The systematic and quantitative composition of Actinomyces (genus Streptomyces) in the soils of Kaliningrad was analysed according to the level of soil contamination. The authors proved the seasonal activity of Actinomyces in the soils of the city and identified the changes in the dependence between the number of Actinomyces and the temperature ...
Trends in agrarian land use and the nutrient balance values ensuring an increase in land fertility
This article analyses major trends in agricultural land use in the Kaliningrad region (the proportions of fallow land, tilled crops, grassland). The author suggests a methodology for calculating soil nutrient balance tested on a farm.
1. Вовлечение в сельскохозяйственное производство не используемых по це¬ле¬во¬му назначению земель сельскохозяйственного ...
About a role of vegetation of deserts of Central Asia in climate change
This article focuses on the temperature of various underlying surfaces (rubble-rock on hamadas, sand on the beds of temporary streams, plants) in the southern steppes of Mongolia. The authors present a comparative analysis of soil and plant temperature and address the issue of the impact of overgrowing of desert areas on climate change on Earth.
1. Дедков В. П. Экологическая ниша и водный баланс доминантов пустынных ...
The buffer capacity of soils as alkalization ability
The results of the author’s studies of Kaliningrad soil help characterize its buffer capacity to alkalization and identify the main reasons for the differences between the obtained and background values. The author proposes a set of methods to increase the buffering capacity of soils.
1. Алексеенко ...
The characteristic of the vegetative land cover of the Kaliningrad peninsula ecosystems
This article offers an ecological analysis of natural ecosystems used in the monitoring of the microflora of soil lands. The authors characterize the soilvegetation cover of the ecosystems of the Kaliningrad Peninsula. The difference in the species composition of phytocenoses and their environmental conditions is identified.
1. Дедков В. П., Куркина ...
The morphological structure of the soils of the Kaliningrad peninsula natural ecosystems
This article describes the soil mantle of the natural ecosystems of the Kaliningrad peninsula. The authors offer experimental data on the morphology structure and pH of the soils.
1. Анциферова О. А. Почвы Замландского полуострова и их ...
The impact of environmental factors on the distribution of Macoma balthica (Linnaeus 1758) and Mytilus edulis (Linnaeus 1758) in the southeastern part of the Baltic Sea
... research on the influence of environmental factors on the distribution of two abundant bivalve species – Macoma balthica and Mytilus eduli – in the south-east of the Baltic Sea. First of all, the distribution of species was determined by the types of soils. The distribution of molluscs in deep-water sectors was limited by oxygen deficiency in near-bottom waters.
Гусев А.
Урбанович О.
Видовой состав и экологическая характеристика ...
Megatrends in the socionatural development of the world and the transofmration of biosphere life
... Строганова М. Н. Земельные ресурсы мира // Глобалистика : энциклопедия. М., 2003.
26. Fazzorale R. Energy // The biosphere Catalogue. L., 1985.
Demidenko E. S
biosphere life, cycle of matter, soil, megatrend, soсio-natural development, transformation, evolution of life, Homo sapiens
Ferromanganese nodule neoformations in the soils of the western part of the Kaliningrad region
This article examines the concretionary neoformations in soils: hardpans, tubular concretions, ironstone. The results of an analysis of the morphologic properties and chemical composition of concretions are presented. Concretions were found in most regional soils. The preliminary diagnostic significance was ...
About zonality of introzonality soils
This article presents arguments to demonstrate that not only background soils (podzol, black earth), but also introzonal ones, which are irregularly deposited among the predominant soils, are subject to latitudinal zonality.
1. Докучаев В. В. К учению о зонах природы // Сочинения. Т....
Comparative analysis of the groups of microorganisms in natural and anthropo-genically altered brown forest soils of the Kaliningrad Peninsula
This article focuses on the numerical concentration of certain groups of microorganisms in the brown forest soils of natural and urbanised ecosystems of the Kaliningrad Peninsula. An analysis of the microflora was performed in spring, summer, and autumn 2012. This paper presents the average annual data for each key area. It is shown that human-altered ecosystems ...