Concepts of social support: positive and negative effects of social relations in the context of subjective well-being of a human being
... in the context of their subjective well-being on the basis of international publications, which have not been translated into Russian yet and are little known in the country. The authors present their own typology of positive and negative effects of social support in situations of normal and abnormal social functioning of an individual.
Berkman L., Glass T.,
, Seeman T.
From social integration to health: Durkheim in the new millennium // Social Science and Medicine.
2000. Vol....
Social support as a factor of overcoming the negative consequence of stress
This article describes the models of relation between social support and stress. The author quotes the results of international empirical research em-phasising the obvious and contradictory nature of the “stress-buffering” and “main effect” models. The article offers a typology of factors of determining ...
Parental support and psychological health of children and adolescents
... are suggested as efficiency criteria.
1. Холмогорова А. Б. Интегративная психотерапия расстройств аффективного спектра. М., 2011.
2. Barrera M., Chassin L., Rogosch F. Effects of social support and conflict on adolescent children of alcoholic and nonalcoholic fathers // Journal of personality and social psychology. 1993. № 64.
3. Ellison E. S. Parental support and school-aged children // Western journal of nursing research. 1983....
Self-acceptance and social support of younger students with different levels of stress
... categories of ‘self-acceptance’, ‘self-rejection’, ‘positive evaluation’, and ‘negative evaluation’. It also employed the F-SozU K-22 questionnaire in the version proposed by Kholmogorova and Petrova to determine satisfaction and types of social support. The Perceived Stress Scale — Children (PSS-C) was used to measure current stress in children. The study showed that the need for instrumental support among younger school children increases with the intensification of stress. Emotional support ...