Social security and social pathology: the facets of the conjugation of the concepts and phenomena
... исследования. 2006. №
Левашов В.
Глобализация и социальная безопасность // Социологические исследования. 2002. №
Krivosheev V. V.
social security, anomie, social pathology.
The methodology of research on anomie and social reality: Polish and Russian dimensions
This article considers different methodological approaches to research on anomie. The author analyses Durkheim’s approach to social pathology and the application of P. Sztompka’s concept of cultural trauma. Special attention is paid to R. Merton’s theory of anomie and strain and D. Murphy and M. Robinson’s concept of maximization. At the same time, the author takes into account
The Russian sociological thought of the 19th century: the specific features of a study into social pathologies
This article focuses on the specific features of a study into social pathologies in Russian sociology. The author emphasises that the addressing of moral problems is a tradition of Russian social thought.
Лавров П.
. Избранные сочинения: в 2 т. Т. 1: Задачи позитивизма ...