Case technologies as a means of assessing the skills of students in China and Russia
... technologies being integrated into nearly every aspect of human life. These trends result in the continuous and rapid changes in the content of the knowledge acquired and used. This creates the need to apply relevant tools for assessing students’ skills that meet the demands of societal expectations. The novelty of the research lies in the lack of studies conducting a comparative analysis of diagnostic tools aimed at evaluating the learning outcomes of Chinese and Russian students, used in both ...
The methodology of developing manipulative skills in female gymnasts in the first year of training in basic training groups
... for the technical performance and training of students. The author comes to the conclusion that the availability of equipment and persistent mastering of new techniques is of great importance in working with children. The development of manipulative skills with the help of specially designed tools and control systems are the key aspects of the offered methodology.
1. Архипова Ю. А. Базовая подготовка юных гимнасток в упражнениях с предметами ...
Managerial skills and the strategic potential of organisations
... organisations call for an analysis of their strategic potential. On the basis of resource approach and its most advanced versions - dynamic capabilities and core competence concept – this article analyses the key element of potential – managerial skills.
Андреева Т.
Е., Чайка В.
К дискуссии о сущности динамических способностей // Вестник СПбГУ. Сер. Менеджмент. 2006. Вып. 4. ...
The formation of critical thinking in foreing language learning
The article describes a new coursebook designed for students studying Biotechnology. The new coursebook facilitates the formation and development of critical thinking skills in the process of foreign language learning. The formation of critical thinking is one of the main objectives of pedagogy since it ensures successful functioning of the individual in the modern information society.
1. Благодатин А.,...
Training future teachers to perform grading
This article focuses on the development of grading skills in future teach-ers. The author presents key interpretations of the notion of ‘grading’. The principles, functions, and types of grading are considered. The author’s ap-proach to developing an algorithm of grading performance of future teachers ...
Liver shear wave elastography: the problem of accuracy and reproducibility
... various SWE techniques for their advantages and disadvantages; identifying the factors depending on the patient (body mass index, gender, respiration, etc.); finding out the reproducibility of liver stiffness measurements in SWE, depending on the skills of the operator, the minimal measurements, the use of contrast-enhanced ultrasound. The most important factors affecting the results of liver stiffness measurements include using SWE method, the diagnostic equipment and the sensors, the measurement ...
The psychological problems of development of professional culture of future lawyers in the context of its increasing quality
... Красноярск, 2005.
Sokolova Ye., Lukyanchenko N.
professional culture, lawyers, professional activity, profession,
ethical behavior, professionalism, personal and professional qualities, communicative competence, personal and professional settings, skills, personal and social
The methodological problems of the formation of a ”new educational infrastructure” for labor training and education of young people. A comparative case of the National Championship of Professions and Entrepreneurial Ideas
... профессионального мастерства «Умелец-2012» в г. Ювяскюля.URL:
Gil S.
working life, self-actualization, 3D-model of education quality assessment, labor and special skills.
A glossary for a social educator-researcher-logician engaged in organisational and communicative activity with teenage twins in the system of supplementary education
... формировании личности (исследование близнецов). М., 1994. Деп. в Ин-т ТПМИО, Школа и педагогика (вып. 3) 15.08.1994, № 121.
Morozova T.
teenage twin, twin situation, perfection of professional skills of social teachers-researchers-logicians, Twins centre.
The organisation of physical training process for the humanities students of IKSUR by means of swimming
... средств пляжного волейбола: автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук. Краснодар, 2008.
Pokrovskaya N. V.
students’ physical development, educational process, swimming training, physical development,
swimming skills.
The peculiarities of developing intercultural competence of nonlinguist students in the Kaliningrad region
Как понять иностранца без слов / пер. с англ. М., 1995.
Rudenko T. O.
intercultural competence, cognitive motives, intercultural-oriented pedagogical space, the content of
education, dialogue, regional component, skills of non-translation reading, thinking in a foreign language