Simulation technique in the mathematical theory of learning
Further development of theoretical pedagogy and the theory of learning is closely connected to the use of mathematical and digital techniques in learning process simulations. This article explores formal methods for studying a didactic system as well as difficulties in employing them. The author describes key stages of simulation development and presents a simulation of unrelated study material elements (using ...
The computer simulation of tsunami wave breaking against a steep shore
This article offers a computer simulation for incompressible stratified fluid based on Euler’s equations. The ocean and the atmosphere above it are considered as an integral continuous environment. At the water-air surface, the density changes abruptly from ρ = ρwater = 1000 kg/m3 ...
Distant learning in the Institute of Medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic
... COVID 19 pandemic. In total, 73 students of the 6th year of the medical institute took part in an online training. Instead of three levels of teaching, typical for the “Pain management” course, two were left, i. e., “Theoretical knowledge” and simulation online training “The Interview”. In the end of the course the students were to take an anonymous questionnaire to meet their achievement needs. The research has proved that the online teaching can be viewed as an alternative multifunctional ...
Practical classes in mathematics as a means to develop the research competence in students of technical universities
... requirements of relevant federal state educational standards. The authors focus on the preparedness of future engineers to conduct technical experiments, whose important component is the mathematical processing of experimental data and performance of simulation experiments. It is proposed to develop such skills during practical classes in mathematics considered as a means to develop research competences.
1. Артищева Е. К., Синицына Т.В. Коррекция знаний обучающихся ...
The The Variability of Bottom Friction Velocity and the Suspended Particle Propagation along the Pathway of Saline Inflow into the Baltic Sea
A numerical simulation of the Baltic Sea circulation was carried out for two time intervals corresponding to the inflow and non-inflow cases. For these time intervals, I identified processes prevalent in the bottom layer dynamics at specific points on the pathway ...