Semantic transformations in the secondary text (on A. Döblin’s fairy tale “Der Ritter Blaubart”)
The article examines the scope and significance of semantic transformations of the secondary text — the fairy tale Der Ritter Blaubart” by Alfred Döblin. The article reveals that the transformation of the tale, which emerged in the stream of post-modernism, is a complex formation which reveals both the features ...
On the problem of acausal semantic coincidences: the cognitive background of omens
... университета. История. 2017. № 49. С. 128—131.
17. Юнг К. Г. Синхронистичность. М., 1997.
Berestnev G. I., Kamalova A. A.
synchronicity, semiotics, metaphor, metonymy, paronomasia, symbol, deep semantics, semantic transformations, cultural linguistics
The dream dictionary of G. H. Miller: The structural originality and cognitive models of interpretation
... of dreams, the polysemy of the key image, and the possibility of homonymy. Gender dependence and subject-object differentiation are identified as important features of dream interpretations in the dictionary. The author describes three mechanisms of semantic transformation behind the dream interpretation: metaphoric conversion, metonymic shift, and pragmatic extension.
1. Берестнев Г. И. Слово, язык и за их пределами. Калининград, 2007.
2. Самый полный ...
The lexical structure of the Life of St. Martyr Irina (according to the Synodal version)
... Ирины // Жития Святых. Минея Четья. Месяц май / 8-е синодальное изд. М., 1998.
Uvarova I.
hagiography, lexical structure of text, Russian verb, semantic structure of word, concept structure of word form, semantic transformations
Neologisms with the meaning of “fake” goods in modern Russian
... connotative components of their semantics, as well as their representation in operational lexicographic practice, are identified.
Dudurich O.V., Shapovalenko E.V
neologisms, word-formation paradigm of the verb палить, suffixal derivation, semantic transformations, fire metaphor