The cognitive structures of the concept of SUCCESS in the Russian common mentality
... word-formation-etymological nest of the word success are shown. The closeness of the deep cognitive archetype of the success of quantum reality is hypothetically noted.
Berestnev G.I., Kamalova A.A., Pivovar Ye.S.
concept, cognitive linguistics, semantics, vocabulary, semantic reconstruction, language nomination, laws of consciousness
«Only when asleep you feel alive»: life and death in the Russian linguocultural consciousness (based on Russian proverbs and sayings)
... энциклопедический словарь. М., 1995. С. 358—360.
9. Быт великорусских крестьян-землепашцев: Описание материалов Этногр. бюро князя В
Berestnev G. I.
linguocultural studies, semantic reconstruction, semantic categories, life, death.