Verb collocations of the semantic field «Memory» with the component ‘Vergangenheit’ in the German media
24. Wylegała A. Managing the difficult past: Ukrainian collective memory and public debates on history // Nationalities Papers. 2017. Vol. 45, iss. 5. P. 1—18.
Rebrina L. M.
verb collocation, keyword, memory, past, representation, syntagmatics, semantics, structural-semantic models
The principles of the concept analysis of the "male" and "female" in Russian linguistic mentality
This article offers the theoretical grounds and methods of semantic analysis of “male” and “female” categories developed on the basis of linguistic data. The author draws examples from the Russian language to demonstrate gender semantic models in Russian linguistic mentality, e. g. the general understandding of the “male” and the “female”, the content properties of these principles, etc.
Арутюнова Н.
. Пропозиция // Лингвистический ...