On innovative segment of a lexical semantic field “Social policy”
This article is devoted to the description of lexical innovations in the lexical-semantic field “Social policy” in the Russian language of the recent period. The article examines a synchronous neogenic fragment of the field under study and presents a typology of innovations denoting newly appeared phenomena/concepts or the ones having an element of novelty in semantics and (or) structure. The innovations were selected from modern terminological dictionaries and journals of sociological and socio-political topics taking into account psycholinguistic, chronological, lexicographic and functional criteria. A significant ...
Field Arrangement of Toponymic Lexemes in Regional Language
... 2007.
академический словарь русского языка: в 17 т. / гл. ред. К.
С. Гор
бачевич. М.; СПб., 2007.
D. Ilyin.
toponymic lexicon, regional language, functional and semantic field, segment structure, synchronic and diachronic processes.
The communicative and pragmatic category of tolerance as a value constant in modern German linguoculture: the case of the newspaper Die Zeit
... society affect how lexemes are understood and interpreted at different historical periods of a linguoculture. In this article, we use German dictionaries and today’s press to consider the notion of Toleranz as a value constant and lexical-semntic field of German linguoculture. In our study, we relied on the DWDS German text corpus and the periodical Die Zeit. We established that the historical peak of the use of the lexeme Toleranz had been reached in 1992, whereas the increase of 2015 was associated ...
Core explicators of the modal meaning expressing certainty/uncertainty in the poem "Dead Souls" by N. Gogol and their equivalents in translation versions
... грамматика : в 2 т. / под ред. Н. Ю. Шведовой. М., 1980.
6. Шведова Н. Ю. Очерки по синтаксису русской разговорной речи. М., 2003.
Kokovina L. V.
modality, subjective modality, semantic field, explicator, adequacy, equivalent.
The rhetorical question as an explicator of modal meanings in the text of the novel The brothers Karamazov by F.M. Dostoyevsky
The author considers the features of rhetorical question as an explicator of modal semantics in the novel The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky. The article identifies the scope of objective modality and ... ... Новгород, 2008.
Tikun Ye.S.
fiction text, textual modality, rhetorical question, text-forming function, functional-semantic field.