Topical issues of seismic monitoring in the Kaliningrad region
... analyses the data on seismicity of the Kaliningrad region and addresses the issues of introducing monitoring seismic observations in order to identify previously unknown seismic areas at the regional scale alongside a more accurate identification of the seismic hazard of those already known.
1. Errulat F. Geophysikalische warte gross-raum der universitat Konigsberg in Presussen? // Terr. Magn. Atmos. Electr. 1930. 35 (4). S. 254—255.
2. Kunde Preussens. 1821. Apr.
3. Петр из Дусбурга. ...
The goecological seismic risk associated with the construction of an underground gas storage in the Kaliningrad region
... деятельности : метод. указания к практическим работам / сост.М. В. Бузаева, В. В. Савиных, О. В. Чемаева. Ульяновск, 2005. Ч. 1.
Drobiz M.
geoecological risk assessment, seismic hazard, underground gas storage.