Units of the lexical-semantic group ‘Information search and receipt’ as personifying metaphors in Russian poetry
... metaphorical system in the language of Russian poetry from the 19th to 21st centuries. Specifically, the analysis focuses on personifying metaphors related to the semantic class of ‘Language and speech’ and the lexical-semantic group Information search and receipt’. The study aims to determine the functioning of these lexical units in Russian poetry, identify the semantic classes of the objects of personification they are combined with, and establish their role in the organisation of the poetic ...
Studies into the history of Russian Neo-Kantianism in Poland
... of thoughts of Russian religious-philosophical renaissance]. Warsaw, p. 133—147.
59. Krasicki J. 2012 (c), «Filozoficzna donkichoteria»? Mikolaj Bierdiajew w poszukiwaniu idealu filozofii [„Philosophical Quixotism”? Nikolai Berdyayev and the search for the ideal of philosophy] // Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska [Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska]. № 2, p. 39—57.
60. Krasicki J. 2012 (d), Mikolaj Bierdiajew a neokantyzm [Nicolai Berdyayev and neo-Kantianism] // ...
Methodology support for the musical training for visually impaired in research papers: a review of Russian pedagogical publications
... publications in the field of music education for the blind and visually impaired presented in the t national database- aims to establish the boundaries of the subject field and identify gaps in this area of educational research through multi-stage electronic search based on keywords, manual search in journals, conference proceedings and dissertations for the period from 2010 to 2022. The research activity in this field tends to become more dynamic, and the priority of research interest in the problems of ...
Operational thinking in the structure of the diagnostic thinking of a modern teacher-psychologist
Diagnostic thinking is a vital professional component of many occupations, in particular, of a teacher-psychologist. The purpose of the study was to identify the place and role of various mental operations in the structure of diagnostic search carried out by a teacher-psychologist. The article explores cognitive operations used by a teacher-psychologist within the framework of a diagnostic algorithm. These operations are differentiated for various stages of diagnosis; their priorities ...
Methodology of profiling
... aspects of profiling as an unconventional technique studied by criminology and focuses on the main fields used by profiling abroad and in Russia. The purpose of the study is to develop a methodological base with which it is possible to use profiling as a searching technique in forensic science. The study analyses similarities and differences between the compilation of a criminal’s psychological portrait and profiling. Based on comparative and retrospective analyses, profiling theoretical developments ...
Ethnography in Translation Studies: an object and a research methodology
.... Translating and Studying Translation: The View from the Agent.
40 (3), pp. 445—460.
Sturge, K., 1997. Translation Strategies in Ethnography.
Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication,
3 (1), pp. 21—38.
Toury, G., 1980.
In Search of a Theory of Translation.
Tel Aviv: The Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics.
Toury, G., 1985. A Rationale for Descriptive Translation Studies. In: T. Hermans, ed.
The Manipulation of Literature
. New York: St, Martin’s Press, pp. 16—41....