Elements of science fiction in the French postmodernist discourse: The case of B. Werber’s novel The Thanatonauts
This article presents an interdisciplinary study on text linguistics, lingu-o¬poetics, and narratology. It addresses the problems of modern science fiction discourse and analyses the ideas of the leading theorists of postmodernism — J.-F. Lyotard and J. Derrida — as well as those of scholars focusing on the sci-ence fiction discourse — T. Todorov and R. Lachmann. The practical material of the ...
Semantics of abionims in S. Snegov’s novel “People as Gods”
The article studies the onomastic space of the science fiction trilogy “People as Gods” by the Soviet science fiction writer of the second half of the 20th century. Literary abionyms related to the habitats of the heroes of the work are in the focus of the research. It is noted that the space objects ...
The child that is «not of this world» in Sergey Snegov’s novel Humans as Gods
The novel by the famous Soviet science fiction writer is analysed in the context of evangelical allusions and connotations. Biblical references in the text suggest a link between one of the main characters, the boy Astr, and the image of Christ. Although well in line with the anthropology ...