The Praed model sentences: meaning and speech functions.
... colloquial speech is one of the topical linguistic problems. Having considered the classical and modern research papers, the author examines the grammatical status of uninflected words, which are the main members of the sentences of the Praed structural scheme. The author considers that such words should be classified as predicative adverbs rather than a special grammatical category. The article proposes a semantic typology of such adverbs functioning in modern colloquial speech. The author concludes ...
Cognitive scheme or concept: towards the determination of dynamic model of knowledge
In the article the main emphasis is placed on the determination of procedural approach to the study of conceptual knowledge. With this aim the possibility of using cognitive schemes in analyzing ethno-cultural knowledge is discussed. The comparative association experiments serve as a basis for the reconstruction of cognitive schemes of information processing in different cultures. The comparative analysis of such schemes ...
Shpet, Humboldt, Kant: Forms, Concepts, Schemes. Terms and Ideas
... filosofsko-gumanitarnyi kontekst [The Origins of Cultural and Historical Psychology in the Context of Philosophy and Humanities]. Moscow: Rossiiskaja Politicheskaja Enciklopedija (ROSSPEN). (In Rus.)
Shpet, Kant, Humboldt, term, word, concept, inner form, language, scheme, difference, subjectivity, synthesis, identity
Molchanov V.I.
Understanding scientific texts on the basis of modelling semantic links: theoretical foundations of the conception
... под ред. Г. И. Косицкого. М., 1985.
26. Струков А. И., Серов В. В. Патологическая анатомия. М., 1995.
Vishnyakova S. A.
modeling of the scientific text, intratext communications, semantic
schemes, a method of modeling of the text, the text information, misunderstanding overcoming.
Image, eidos, figura, pattern. How words help to recognize patterns and understand their reference and sense?
[Accessed 12 December 2017].
Albert, D. Z., 1983. Onquantum-mechanical automata. Physics Letters A, 98 (5—6), pp. 249—252.
Pokorny, Julius, 1959. Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. Bern, München.
cognitive scheme, image, idea, eidos, morph, figure, pattern recognition, signal, automaton, objectivity, subjectivity, intersubjectivity, metretics, morfetics, semiotics
Ilyin M. V.