A scenario approach to the strategic development of the fishing industry in the Kaliningrad region
This article examines scientific approaches to scenario planning and analyses the algorithm of business development scenarios. The authors summarise a vast array of information. An analysis of external and internal environment of the fishing industry is carried out and the problems of regional industry ...
Spatial aspects of regional energy security: the case of the Kaliningrad region
... security are identified based on a typology of relevant factors — conceptual objectives and avenues to act on. The case of the Kaliningrad region, an exclave highly dependent on external energy supplies, is examined to provide insight into possible scenarios for ensuring the territory’s energy security and the conditions for each course of events to unfold. The findings of the study suggest potential pathways for enhancing the exclave’s energy security, each requiring momentous decisions and ...
Trends in cross-border cooperation between Russian and Belarusian regions
... the possible areas of cross-border cooperation between Russian and Belarussian regions. The author identifies the main results of cooperation between the countries in trade, transport, science, and social relations. The article proposes four possible scenarios of cooperation, which can ensure a rational use of the regions’ potentials.
1. Альметова З. В., Подрядова Т. Е., Шеремет А. А. Взаимодействие России и Белоруссии в рамках ...
Prospects for the development of the forest park protective belt of Moscow
... assess its current state, a system of indicators is proposed, based on which an integrated index is calculated. A detailed analysis of the indicators and the integrated index has been conducted, allowing for the identification of three most probable scenarios for the further development of different parts of the forest-park protective belt of Moscow.
Zabelin I.A., Golubeva E.I.
Ecology of the city, Moscow agglomeration, ecological functions, forest park protective belt, integrated assessment,...