The reaction of Neomysis integer Leach, 1815 to changes in water salinity in the Vistula Lagoon of the Baltic Sea
This article proves that the individuals of Neomysis integer species can survive dramatic changes in water salinity of 0,2—14 ‰ producing viable posterity. A salinity exceeding 14 ‰ leads to the death of 100% individuals used in the experiment.
1. Костромин Е. А. Биология и жизненный цикл мизид Калининградского ...
An assessment of the potential impact of the construction of a deepwater seaport on the hydrological regime of the Vistula lagoon
... planned construction of a deepwater seaport in its waters, the author emphasizes the negative impact on its hydrological regime: rise in the levels which could lead to the flooding of the territories adjoining the mouth of the Pregolya river, increase in salinity, extinction of hydrobionts, and destruction of the ecological systems.
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The impact of water dynamics on biomass and the distribution of biological resources of the pelagic zone of the southern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
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The impact of environmental factors on the distribution of Macoma balthica (Linnaeus 1758) and Mytilus edulis (Linnaeus 1758) in the southeastern part of the Baltic Sea
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Studies on the causes of mortality of the estuarine bivalve
Macoma balthica
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Macoma balthica, Mytilus edulis, temperature, salinity, type of soils, distribution, Baltic Sea.