Social competence as an indicator of training quality in rural schoolchildren
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rural schoolchildren training quality, rural settlement, rural family,
rural school, reflexive pragmatism, social competence, socialization.
Сomparative trends in the morphofunctional development of rural and urban school children in the Nizhny Novgorod region at the present stage
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Kalyuzhny Ye., Mikhailova S., Kuzmichev Yu., Krylov V.
physical development, morphofunctional parameters, gender differences, urban school children, rural school children, physical development level, centile distribution
Learning and research culture of students of rural schools in the History of Western Russia classes
This article deals with the theoretical problems of learning and research culture, its functions and criteria, as well as possibilities of its formation in students of rural schools in the History of Western Russia classes in view of the specific features of the educational institution and the novelty of the discipline.
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О пользе туристическо-краеведческой ...
The technology of formation of learning and research culture in the lessons on the history of Western Russia at a rural school in the Kaliningrad region
... Министерства образования Российской Федерации от 10 янв. 1996 г. // Вестник образования. 2000. № 9. С. 69—70.
Mychko Yе., Sapunov A.
learning and research culture, technology, rural schools, history of
Western Russia, students, teacher, dialogue, interaction.
The regional aspect of developing educational and research culture
... Анализ и прогнозирование рынка труда Калининградской области.
Mychko E., Sapunov A.
educational and research culture, regional aspect, research tasks, pedagogical conditions, critical thinking, pupils, rural school