Innovative development of rural settlements of the Leningrad region
The geography of modern innovation processes increasingly covers not only megalopolises and large industrial cities, but also rural areas. The issue of innovative development of the countryside has acquired particular prominence in the context of securing human capital and preventing the marginalization of rural settlements, though creating a favorable environment for life and business ...
Scientific and practical aspects of organization of weekend routes in rural area (on the example of Kaliningrad region)
The role of tourism in the development of rural areas could be confirmed, on the one hand, by the income received from this activity by the owners of rural estates and guest houses. On the other hand, tourism, and above all its nature-oriented forms, contribute to the sustainable development of ...
Innovative factors and conditions of sustainable development of rural territories
... conditions. Research and technological cooperation in the Baltic region is emphasised as a priority area.
1. Koncepcija ustojchivogo razvitija sel'skih territorij Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda [The concept of sustainable development in rural areas of the Russian Federation until 2020], Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30 nojabrja 2010 g. № 2136-r [Order of the Government of the Russian Federation on November 30, 2010 № 2136-r].
2. Ob utverzhdenii Doktriny prodovol'stvennoj ...
On the implementation of social innovation in rural area Kaliningrad oblas
Social innovations are important for solving the problems of rural development, since due to the intensification of polarization processes, the backlog of living conditions in rural areas from cities increases. Based on the statistical reporting and agricultural censuses, the article assesses the changes and spatial distribution of production, social and demographic processes in rural areas of the Kaliningrad region over the past ...
Rural areas of Eastern Germany: modern challenges
... eastern territories seemed to have picked up its pace. Yet the main problems those territories are facing today hatched already in the mid-1990s. In our study we address the problems and challenges that hinder sustainable development of East German rural areas. We analyse agricultural statistics and describe the structure of agricultural enterprises, land-use, and other critical dimensions of agriculture. We discuss pros and cons of modern rural areas spatial planning policy and take a critical look at ...
Innovation centres as growth points for smaller towns and rural areas
This article addresses the role of innovative centres in the development of surrounding areas beyond large cities. At the same time, the innovative development of rural areas should be of a composite nature; municipality development strategies take innovations into account. International practices serve as a an argument in favour of establishing innovative centres in smaller and medium-sized towns in order to facilitate ...
Rural area as a peripheral zone: the verdict or potential
... programs for the regional development of peripheral territories characterized as backward areas with depopulation and population outflow, poor infrastructure, low incomes and high rates of unemployment. However, the suburban area is not homogeneous, and rural areas see one or another socio-economic problem arise. This article, based on the concept of the geodemographic situation using statistical data, considers the results of a sociological survey and field research, the socio-economic situation of rural ...
National projects as an adaptation tool employed by rural libraries: the case of the Kaliningrad region
... facilitate the socialisation of younger and senior generations. It is concluded that there is a range of regional obstacles to aspirations to embrace the innovative model of a modern rural library.
Yustratova V.O.
cultural geography, model library, rural area, Kaliningrad region, national project
Assessment of transport accessibility of rural territories of the Kaliningrad region using methods of sociological research
... in the most ‘challenged’ municipalities of the Kaliningrad region. The Slavsky municipality is considered to be the most exposed nfrastructurally, while Gvardeysk experiences organizational difficulties.
Gumenyuk I.S.
transport accessibility, rural areas, municipalities, the Kaliningrad region, case study
The indicators of sustainable development of rural territories: regional dimension
This article considers the methodological aspects of implementation of the rural area sustainable development concept in Russia. The authors show the advantages of indicative assessment of sustainable development at the regional level. The article presents a methodological approach to the development of sustainable development indicators ...