The image of river in A. Ivanov’s novel The gold of revolt: the linguistic aspect
This article considers the image of the river Chusovaya, which is directly connected to the idea of space and road in A. Ivanov’s fictional world. The Chusovaya is not only a place but also a character of the novel.
Иванов А.
: Чусовая. СПб., 2007....
The variations in the water level of the Pregel River in Kaliningrad (1996-2008)
The critical water levels, rises and falls of the Pregolya River are determined on the basis of daily observations performed at the "Vityaz" museum vessel in 1996—2008. The observed phenomena reveal maximum frequency in autumn and winter.
. Абрамов Р.
В., Гущин О.
А., Стрюк ...
The anthropogenic transformation of river mouths and its geoecological consequences
This article aims to discuss the problematic aspects of the technogenesis impact on the river mouth areas (through the example of Baltic rivers). The author comes to a conclusion on the negative geoecological consequences of this process.
Богданов Н.
А., Воронцов А.
А., Морозова Л.
Mercury content in fish caught in the Northern Dvina below a pulp and paper mill
Subarctic Russian rivers tend to have swampy watersheds with a high content of hydrogen ions and humic substances. These conditions are favourable for the formation of bioavailable mercury. Thus, even background mercury concentrations can pose a danger to aquatic organisms....
The prognostic characteristics of storm floods in the mouth of the River Pregolya (in the Kaliningrad region)
.... Преголи у г. Калининграда // Изв. РГО. 1991. Т. 123, вып. 3. С. 275—279.
7. Хупфер П. Балтика — маленькое море, большие проблемы. Л., 1982.
Moskalets V., Lyubimova O.
river mouth, level, storm onset, flood probability.
August 1914: the tragedy of the 72nd infantry division in East Prussia
... Рязанская книга памяти Великой войны 1914—1918 годов. Рязань, 2012. Т. 1.
15. Суворов А. Н. Тактика в примерах. М., 1926.
Os’kin M.
East Prussian offensive, General Rennenkampf, 1st army, river Angerapp, disbanding
The spawning migration of smelt (Osmerus eperlanus eperlanus L.) in the rivers of the Curonian lagoon basin
This article analyses the features of spawning migration of smelt in the rivers Neman and Matrosovka as a background for fishery regulation. The authors identify the period and extend of spawning migration in the rivers in 2011, the dynamics of catches per unit effort, and species composition of commercial catches. The calculation ...