Investigating the causes of speech disorders in children (perinatal aspects)
... perinatal factors among the significant causes of speech disorders. A retrospective analysis of the medical and educational documentation of children (n = 300) with disabilities, including severe speech disorders, was carried out. As a result, potential risk factors of the perinatal period influencing the occurrence of speech disorders in children were identified, and a gender analysis of these causes was conducted. Taking into account the identified risk factors, along with the early detection of deviations ...
Analysis of contextual mental health factors in adolescent girls and women of fertile age
... a significant threat to mental health, can cause difficulties in adaptation, can become a trigger mechanism for psychopathologies, and also affect the disorders, exacerbating the female problems.
Kazantseva N. V., Kinal E. N.
psychopathology, risk factors, mental health, stress
The category of the psychosomatic in the psychological discourse of the 20th century
... psycho-somatic disorders associated with the multiplicity of their psychological mod-els, criteria for the presence/absence of organic disorders, and the possibilities of compensation and reverse development. The article also focuses on the psy-chosocial risk factors for pathogenesis of psychosomatic disorders proposed within various psychological traditions — the psychodynamic, cognitive-be¬ha-vioral, social and contextual, family-oriented, and integrative ones.
1. Бройтигам В., Кристиан ...