Acute syndrome of reunification: “Nox” by Thomas Hettche
... «painful points» of the epoch-making historical event at the moment of the heroes' transition from life to death and vice versa. The article analyses a whole variety of developed multilevel metaphors illustrating the painful process of German-German reunification.
Потёмина М.
Концепт «границы» в романе В. Хильбига «Временное
пристанище» // Вестник Российского государственного ...
The facets of German mentality and the search for a national identity in Germany’s sociocultural context at the turn of the century
This article studies the works of Russian and international scholars to examine German mentality in the transitional period of the reunification of Germany. Another objective is to analyze the search for a new national identity at the turn of the century in the sociocultural context. To this end, the authors conduct a diachronic analysis of the national literary consciousness. The ...
The literary domain of Germany after the reunification
... Фуко М. Воля к истине: по ту сторону знания, власти и сексуальности.Работы разных лет. М. ; Касталь, 1996.
Potyomina M.
literary field, P. Bourdieu, post-1989 German literature, reunification, metadiscourse, G. Grass, K. Wolf.
Berlin in the contemporary German literature
The article considers the allegorical image of Berlin in the contemporary german novel. It is discussed how apocalyptic images are used to create the urban space of Berlin by the western ad eastern writers after the reunification. Special emphasis is given to the contemporary concept of the antiutopian urbanization.
1. Baumgart R. Quasi Stasi. Wolfgang Hilbigs Vermutungen über die Welt und sein Roman «Ich». URL: http://www. zeit. de/1993/41/quasi-stasi ...
The “ideology of love” in Jurek Becker’s novel Heartless Amanda
This article deals with the allegorical representation of the socio-political situation in the GDR shortly before the reunification of Germany as depicted in Jurek Becker’s novel Heartless Amanda through the relationship of the central female character with three men.
Беккер Ю
. Бессердечная Аманда: роман. СПб., 2004
Potyomina ...