The pragmatic functions of culture-specific words in a retrospective discourse
The author analyses the linguistic and pragmatic aspects of retrospective discourse which is structured by various means including culture-specific words. The author offers a systematized classification of these words depending on the effect these words produce on the reader. Special attention is paid to anthroponyms, toponyms,...
Characteristic features of a professional writer’s reconstruction activities in the context of retrospective discourse
... традиционный и когнитивно-функциональный аспекты исследования. Рязань, 2002. С. 140—144.
5. Goethe J. W. von. Aus meinem Leben. Dichtung und Wahrheit. Stuttgart, 1991.
Bondareva L. M.
retrospective discourse, restructuring the past, autobiographical memory, function of reflector, function of literature critic.