The urban development in East Prussia in the interwar period
This article considers the features of urban restoration in East Prussia after World War I. In a difficult economic situation, the system of restoration works was clearly structured. In the interbellum, the public development policy for the province was formulated in accordance with the contemporary ...
From German Memel to Soviet Klaipeda (the restoration of the city in the first post-war decade)
This article characterizes the post-war period of urban development in the city of Klaipeda and draws attention to the problems in its restoration.
Диркстис К.
Свет городу // Советская Клайпеда. 1985. 26 янв.
Метельский Г.
Население — всего несколько человек // Советская Клайпеда....
The reconstruction period in the history of urban planning in the Kaliningrad region (1945 — the mid-1950s)
The article characterises the first stage of the urban development in Kaliningrad and the region and draws attention to the specific features that led to the procrastination of restoration.
Калининградского областного историко-художественного музея. Ф. 1.
архив Калининградской области (ГАКО)....
Modern landscapes of the Kaliningrad region as a reflection of land us
This article examines the current areal territorial habitats and their de-pendence on the land use system. The author presents cases of transformations and restoration successions of agricultural and forestry landscapes. The mosaic nature of the current genetically determined landscape structure of the Kaliningrad region is explained by a large number of areas at different stages of transformation
1. Базы ...