The theoretical aspects of adapting the Kaliningrad region’s economy to the WTO requirements
This paper analyses the risks and expected benefits associated with the transformation of the Russian economy in line with the WTO requirements and provides a theoretical framework for the adaptation of the Kaliningrad region’s economy to Russia’s membership in the WTO.
1. Об Особой экономической зоне в Калининградской области ...
The problems of legal regulation of relations pertaining to satisfying state requirements in the light of new legislation
This article analyzes the provisions of the recently adopted federal law on the contract system and identifies its shortcomings. The author stresses that new rules are not capable of solving the problem of legal regulation aimed to satisfy state requirements and will create additional complications in the use of terminology, application of legislation, identification of the scope of different regulations, and the correlation of private and public law regulation.
1. Борисов А. Н., Краев ...
The psychological and pedagogical training of an officer — a factor or combat training intensification
... training of military personnel. The article considers approaches to training intensification offered in psychological and pedagogical research literature. The components of the professional and pedagogical competence of an officer are described. The requirements for the psychological and pedagogical training of officers are identified as a factor of successful intensification of the combat training of military personnel.
1. Бабанский Ю. К. Интенсификация процесса ...
On countering the illegal provision of massage services by legal means
The article deals with medical and legal issues related to the conceptual background of massage services. The purpose of the study is to analyze the legislative requirements of the Russian Federation for the medical and regular massage services, to establish the criteria for distinguishing these services when it comes to qualification of socially dangerous activity. The methodology of the research rests on the ...
The problems of assessing the efficiency of budget investment finacning through the prgoramme-target method
... analysis of the general features of planning the federal and Kaliningrad regional budgets through this method, considers the concepts of investment, budgetary investment, and the procedure of its realization within the regional budget, and describes the requirements for investment projects, as well as the problems of assessing efficient financing of budgetary investments evaluation.
1. Бюджетный кодекс Российской Федерации [Электронный ресурс]. Доступ ...