The Disproportionate Expansion of the Object of Legal Regulation: The Concept and Forms
In this article, I address the problem of the disproportionate expansion of the object of legal regulation. I stress the general tendency towards an overly broad understanding of the object of legal regulation in Russia and delineate the boundaries of legal regulation. In conclusion, I demonstrate the connection between the disproportionate expansion ...
Nikolay Fyodorov’s Attempt to Link Aristotelian and Kantian Natural Teleology to the Project of Nature Regulation
... course of which nature should be the subject of some tweaking. To bolster this hypothesis I turn to the teaching of Nikolay Fyodorov, the father of Russian cosmism, who puts the emergenceof teleological thought in the context of the project of nature regulation. I focus on three of the philosopher’s assertions which show that he departs from the canon of classical teleology to determine a new context of development of teleological thought. First, Fyodorov points to the destructive processes in the ...
Some problems of the contract regulation of authority delegation
This article examines the problems of the contract regulation of authority delegation, in particular, the drawbacks of the legislative regulation of the contract conclusion procedure, the coming of contracts into force and their implementation.
РФ от 12 декабря ...
Organizational support for the function-object approach to regional development in the systems of strategic management
This article focuses on the basic aspects of organizational support for the function-object approach to regional development in the system of strategic management. The author proposes a mechanism combining the principles of regulation and self-regulation on the basis of application of function-object modeling of regional growth and motivation to achieve regional goals.
1. Бильчак В. С. Приграничная экономика : монография. Калининград,...
Languages of unfolding hereditary information in еmbryogenesis: linguo-semiotic analogues and analogies
... Gene Regulatory Networks That Define the Temporal Identity of Neuroblasts.
Molekulyarnaya biologiya
[Molecular Biology], 53 (2), pp. 225—239,
8419020150 (in Russ.).
Spirov, A. V., 2023. “Languages” of gene regulation using the example of signal elements of promoters. In:
Metod: moskovskii ezhegodnik trudov iz obshchestvovedcheskikh distsiplin
[METHOD: Moscow Yearbook of Works from Social Science Disciplines], 4 (in print) (in Russ.).
Special legal regimes as a means to differentiate the legal regulation of entrepreneurship
The legal category of ‘legal regime’ is considered as a means of differentiating legal regulation of entrepreneurial activities. The author stresses the use of special legal regimes in entrepreneurship legislation and examines the purposes of their application. The article emphasises the problems of improving special legal regimes of entrepreneurship....
Legal regulation of tax privileges for education educations and those involved in educational relations
... through tax benefits in Russia and some other countries. The author considers the issues of using tax benefits by the subjects of educational relations. It is concluded that it is possible to adopt the international experience in improving the legal regulation on imposing taxes on educational organsiations and granting the subjects of education relations tax benefits in Russia
1. Налоговый кодекс Российской Федерации (ч. 1) от 31 июля 1998 г.
№ 146-ФЗ ...
Customer lending in Russia: Legal regulation and insurance
This article deals with the legal regulation, development, and mechanism of consumer loan insurance in Russia. The author presents statistical data of the Central Bank of Russia and identifies the current "bottlenecks" of the banking services market
1. Банковское ...
On the role of government regulation in creating conditions for the development of Russian regions: the case of tariff policy
The elimination of disparities in the economic conditions of regional development is an important task of government regulation. The tariff policy influences the economic development of Russia and different regions. The market incentives for innovation are not sufficiently strong. The rise in prices and tariffs has a negative impact on cost structure and production ...
The requirements for concluding administrative contracts developed in Russian legal science
This paper attempts to summarise the established in Russian legal science conceptions of legal regulation of contract forms of public administration implementation and offers a model of legal regulation of preparation and conclusion of administrative contracts.
Российской Федерации от ...
The system and structure of sources of corporate law
... system and structure of sources of Russian corporate law. Research approaches to the notion and legal nature of sources of corporate law and their place in the system of civil law sources are analysed. The authors address the legal nature of corporate regulations, including the rules and standards of self-regulatory organisations as sources of corporate law.
1. Диденко А. А. К вопросу о развитии отечественной концепции источников гражданского ...