The problem of sociological reductionism in gender studies
Social constructivism is a philosophical and methodological approach widely used in the gender studies of the second half of the 20th century. The author examines the theoretical framework for sociological constructivism and ideological reasons behind its popularity in feminist philosophy. The author considers social constructivism as a form of sociological reductionism in explaining human behaviour.
1. Батлер Дж. Психика власти: теории субъекции. Харьков ; СПб., 2002.
2. Бовуар С. де. Второй пол...
Kant, neokantians, and phenomenologists of reflection and reduction
The article is devoted to comparison of Kant methodology and the phenomenology, which provide insight into the area of pure consciousness. Divergences in levels of its understanding are marked, disagreements concerning values of reflection and reduction between Kant and Neo-Kantian philosophers and representatives of phenomenology come to light. The analysis of basic concept of phenomenology, «intentionality», is carried out by means of Kant aprioristic forms.
1. Гуссерль Э. Картезианские ...
NOTA NOTAE rule in Kant’s syllogistics
The article analyses the meaning of the Nota Notae rule in Kant’s syllogistics; it defines two functions of the rule: justification of syllogistic inferences and regulation of modi reduction procedure.
Аналитики. Минск, 1998.
Ахманов А.
Логическое учение Аристотеля. М., 1960.
Брюшинкин В.
Кант и силлогистика....
The improvement of risk group students’ personal development in the course of specific motor activities
... психология девиантного поведения: учеб. пособ. для вузов. М., 2004.
С. 141—154.
Burov A. E.
professional personal development, disadapting factors, psychophysical readiness, profile moving activity, risk factor reduction