Orel forest parks as the basis of the ecological framework and their recreational assessmen
... only enhance the environmental quality of urbanized areas but also contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.
Parakhina E.A., Kiseleva L.L.
ecological framework, forest parks, biodiversity, rare plants, protected plants, recreational load, recreational potential
The state of the marine groups flea Talitrus sal-tator Montagu, 1808 Curonian spit
... Экология морской блохи (Talitrus saltator, Montagu, 1808) на побережье Юго-Восточной Балтики. Калининград, 2007.
Nikitina S., Parakhina I.
Talitrus saltator, population indices, Curonian Spit, recreational load
A comparison of the condition of the sand hopper Talitrus saltator Montagu, 1808 groups depending on the ecology of the Vistula and Curonian Spits’ coast
... им. И. Канта. 2014. № 1. С. 107—115.
7. Barnard J. L. The Families and Genera of Marine Gammaridean Amphipoda.Washington, 1969. P. 463—472.
Nikitina S., Seledtsov V.
Talitrus saltator, population figures, Vistula Spit, Curonian Spit, recreational load.
The condition of a group of the sandhopper Talitrus saltator (Montagu, 1808) on the Vistual Spit coast
... Балтийской косы // Х съезд гидробиологического общества при РАН : тезисы. Владивосток, 2009. С. 288.
Nikitina S., Parakhina I.
Talitrus saltator, population indicators, Vistula Spit, recreational load.