Macroalgae Suggested for Inclusion in the New Edition of the Red List of the Kaliningrad region
... and examine the herbarium collection of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (former Kaliningrad State University). We also investigate the literature. We describe the biology and ecology of the species, provide information on the sites where rare species were discovered, and assign categories and protection statuses. Overall, we suggest 24 species for inclusion in the Red List.
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The new locations of rare vascular plant species in the conservation areas of the “Vepsian forest” nature park and their immediate vicinity (the Tikhvin district of the Leningrad region)
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The lichens of state protected country estate parks in the Pskov region
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country estate parks, lichens, taxonomic and ecological analyses, analysis of lichen life forms, rare species.
Setting up specially protected natural areas of local significance in Kaliningrad: problems and solutions
... the territory of the indicated forest park zone meets the main criteria for designating a specially protected natural area of local importance. Given the urban environment, the territory has a high level of biological diversity, including regionally rare species; within the boundaries of the study area there are unique natural complexes and objects. This is a promising territory to carry out scientific research, environmental educational activities, ecological touristic activities, and regulated recreation....
On the new habitats of Gypsophila paniculata L. in the Kaliningrad region
... Swedish Threatened Species Unit. Riga; Uppsala, 1993.
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Gypsophila paniculata L., rare species, cenopopulation, habitat, Kaliningrad