The preservation of biodiversity of rare and endangered plant species in the Volgograd regional botanical garden
... биотехнологии. М., 1987. С. 83.
13. Myrashge T., Skoog F. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures // Phsiol. plant. 1962. Vol. 15, № 3. P. 473—497.
Ageeva S., Kruglova L., Buganova A., Zholobova O., Safronova G.
rare plants, registration, Volgograd region.
Registering of rare and endangered plant sprcies in the Volgograd region
... work conducted.
1. Красная книга Волгоградской области. Волгоград, 2006.
2. Красная книга Российской Федерации. М., 2008.
Ageeva S., Kruglova L., Grebennikov K., Korotkov O.
rare plants, registration, Volgograd region.
Orel forest parks as the basis of the ecological framework and their recreational assessmen
... of the city’s ecological framework will not only enhance the environmental quality of urbanized areas but also contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.
Parakhina E.A., Kiseleva L.L.
ecological framework, forest parks, biodiversity, rare plants, protected plants, recreational load, recreational potential