The structure and features of forensic characteristics of crimes against public officers
On the basis of an analysis of concrete criminal cases, the authors describe the structure of forensic characteristics of crimes against public officers and its basic elements and consider the criteria of forensic classification of such crimes.
Яблоков Н.
Криминалистика. М., 2010.
Третьяков К. В.
Уголовная ответственность ...
The official as a public officer
... concept of ‘official’ given by the civil law and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The author analyses relevant academic views and judicial practice and formulates proposals on the legislative foirmalisation of the characteristics of a public officer in view of the Supreme Court’s position
1. Бриллиантов А. В., Четвертакова Е. Ю. Должностное лицо в уголовном за¬конодательстве России и зарубежных странах....
Tactics of particular investigating actions relating to crimes against public officers
This article considers the tactics of examining the victim, suspect, and witnesses and the on-site verification of testimony in cases related to crimes against public officers based on the criminal cases studied by the author.
1. Волчецкая Т. С., Осипова Е. В., Киселев Д. Г. Структура и особенности криминалистической характеристики преступлений,...